
Our beloved Peggy died on 23/4/2022. I wrote Peggy’s tribute through tears. It will take a long time to mend our hearts.


4th April 2013 - 23rd April 2022

Oh how we miss your wagging tail,
your smile and rumbling voice.
Not many places did we go or times we spent without you.
We remember your joy at simple pleasures,
chasing a ball, or grandchildren down the hall,
showing your love and loyalty for all.
Your days on the farm sitting with horses and herding chooks.
“Go swimming”, I’d say on hot summer days.
And into the pool you’d go. For whatever I said, you’d know.
You loved our seaside change, fishing with Wally,
saying hello to anglers, putting smiles on faces, so they felt jolly.
Little dogs walked by but you took no heed at their yapping,
while laying on your nature strip napping.
Off to the beach we’d go, umbrella and snacks for Queen Peggy,
those days were many.
I should not cry for there will be no more hair all over the carpet.
No more dogy poo to pick up on escarpments.
No more brushing your beautiful coat.
No more cleaning the shower after shampooing on a weekly note.
But I would not complain if only our days had remained the same.
Now you have left us, a mother of sheep dog champions.
And grandmother of the same to come.
We have shared our life with many dogs,
but none more special than you.
You will live in our hearts forever,
our mate so loyal and true.
Rest in peace our beloved Peggy.


Copyright © 2010-2020 Doreen Slinkard