Doreen & Wicky Wacky Farms Head West
What a treat it was, to drive through our magnificent countryside. Loads of stock feed, fat cattle and sheep grazing happily. The Murray and Murrumbidgee rivers flowing at their fullest. I liken it to a leisurely walk along the beach, so good for the soul.
The country schools are the best; the kids were all so appreciative to have me come and read to them. I can't explain how it makes me feel, to see these gorgeous kids all listening intently to my stories. Of course, I'm sure it helps that I promise them a book if they listen carefully and answer a question correctly. At the end of the story, one little boy put his hand up to answer, he hummed and erred, I said "quickly or someone else will have a chance" he replied "well, could ya give me a clue?" So cute.
I do my best to get around, so once again, if you would, or you know of someone that would like me to come read, at libraries or schools, I'm more than happy to do so.